Medical foot care has gained much more importance in the past years, and for a good reason. Our feet carry us around the world almost 3 times in our entire life and are therefore the strongest claimed parts of our body. But unfortunately we tend to forget this busy creatures until we are painfully reminded that they exist. Wrong shoes, overweight and diabetes are often the reason for corns, horny skin, pressure points and nail fungus.
Avoid Nail Fungus
But we can do something about it. If you have problems with your feet the best way to make it better is a visit at your chiropodist. She has an genuine expertise and will examine your feet first before the actual treatment. Peacefully sleeping
have been discoverd this way already. If you never did this before you will be surprised how pleasant it feels. Fortunately many men got the taste of it too. I'm happy about this because taking care of our feet is not just a woman's affair.
A good pedicure should always begin with a relaxing foot bath to soften the cuticles and horny heels. And the cutting of toenails is much easier too. After this pleasure the actual treatment begins with the removal of pressure points.
In case of painful corns the chiropodist will carefully remove them with a scalpel blade. Corns are caused by extensive cornification as a reaction to friction and pressure. Mostly unsuitable footgear, but also deformities like splayed, sunken, skewed feet, hammer and claw toes are often responsible for this painful killers. Protective pads or rings and comfortable shoes can be helpful to avoid corns and
from coming back.
Calluses and horny heels are also very common. Unfortunately many people simply wait too long to remove this off their feet resulting in deep fissures. This can result in inflammations because bacteria can easily force their way into the bruised skin.
In this case medical foot care is very important to remove calluses effectively, and through the appliance of occlusive dressing the skin will heal again and regain its normal condition. But this treatment takes time and you should also pay attention to your footcare at home by applying special creams regularly on the affected areas. Your chiropodist will recommend the right care products for you.
Especially diabetes patients should always visit medical footcare. Diabetics have a increased risk of injury and should never treat their feet by themselves. The risk of bleeding is simply too high and infection can be fatal because it often leads to amputation of limbs.
Incorrect cutting of the toenails and footbathes with to high temperatures can badly affect you. If you have diabetes I highly recommend to visit a podiatrist. This way you'll be on the safe side because you get a professional foot care and valuable tips to prevent long term damages.
A disturbed sensitivity of coldness and heat often leads to serious burns by diabetics. The podiatrist will examine the functionality of the nerves to prevent this. At home nails should be carefully filed and the soles of the feet regularly examined to prevent injuries. Always keep your feet warm and take a look inbetween the toes, keep them dry to prevent dermatophyte.
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